Harrow RA’s October 2020 Meeting

Our October meeting was the first time Harrow RA had held a general meeting since 10th February, when our guest speaker was Ceri Williams, FIFA Assistant Referee. But this meeting was different from the previous meetings. This time it was held over the internet using Zoom.


Here are the details of the October meeting:

Topic: What’s New This Season? View the Recording

Time: Oct 12, 2020 07:30 PM (London time zone)



1. Introduction (Graeme Thorley)

2. Laws of the Game (Andy Taylor, Training Officer)

3. COVID Guidance (Andy Taylor, Training Officer)

Items 2 and 3 will probably take around 30 minutes

4. Q & A (Andy Taylor, Training Officer)

5. Concluding remarks and close of the meeting (Graeme Thorley)

The meeting was scheduled to start at 19.30 and will finish by 21.30 at the latest.

Raising Questions

Participants can raise questions during the meeting either in writing, using the Zoom chat facility, or verbally during the Q & A session. In addition, you are welcome to send questions in advance to Andy at andyjctaylor@talktalk.net which will help him tailor his presentation.

If you are unable to make it from the start it will still be possible to join the meeting partway through.


Further Important Information

Participants should be aware that the meeting and any contributions to it will be recorded. As part of our commitment to members’ training and development, we intend to post a link to the recording on our web site http://harrowreferees.co.uk. This will allow any members who are unable to attend to benefit from the session at a later date.

Here is video playlist guide how to join Zoom call below.

Here is a written guide on how to join Zoom call.