2020-2021 Annual General Meeting & Laws of the Game Quiz


On Thursday 20th May 2021 we finally caught up and hosted our 2020-21 AGM virtually via Zoom in the right month and right year – quite different to our 2019-20 AGM which was delayed until we were confident to be able to hold it virtually in March and in 2021, rather than in May 2020, due to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. All motions were carried without dissent.

After AGM business (attended by 21 members) and a short break for refreshment, Andy Taylor (pictured above) led the Laws of the Game Quiz, which he devised and which Matthew Dyachuk facilitated, with 14 members staying on to take part. Andy posed ten multi-choice questions for participants to vote on, i.e. select what they thought was the correct answer (and luckily, for some, it was just like a secret ballot) making use of www.live.voxvote.com, which also collated the responses. After each question the Guru, surprised by some of the votings, gave the correct answer, explaining the reasons and as always the Guru’s instructive words of wisdom were much appreciated.

Harrow RA members only, but this time all registrations were very closely vetted because at our 2019-20 AGM there was an unwelcome visitor, who interrupted proceedings in a racially abusive way. Details for registering to join the Zoom AGM were e-mailed only to Harrow RA members by the Honorary Secretary. This time they were not available on either our website or on social media.

The AGM and quiz went ahead without incident and was enjoyed by all.